5km Family Walk

Family Walk

The Family walk will be a 5km route starting at Barntown Church, heading up to the Carrigfoyle Quarry Carpark and back to the church. There will be activities and refreshments at the church carpark before and after the race. La Cuisine will provide Ice Cream for all the children up at the carpark at Carrigfoyle and goody bags on return. Many thanks to La Cuisine for providing Ice Creams!

The walk begins at 12.30. 

As usual, there will be a monster raffle after the race. Tickets available in school and on the day. 

Make your effort go even further with iDonate

We at Barntown NS would love you to make your effort go even further by setting up and iDonate page in aid of our school and asking friends and family to sponsor your walk or run in aid of Barntown National School. The process is quick and easy. Just click the image and register then share the link with your family in Whatsapp or on Social media. This extra effort really makes a huge difference to our school.